Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Teen Book Scene: Character Interview with Aunt Clacy

Introducing author of Kane Richards Must Die, Shanice Williams...

Shanice Williams graduated from high school in England at the age of sixteen and went on to college where she is currently studying English literature, politics, and sociology. Playing the piano and writing are some of her hobbies. Her accomplishments have included penning a published poem and becoming a debut author when she signed her first publishing contract for Kane Richards Must Die on her eighteenth birthday. She currently resides in South London with her family.
Onto the interview with protagonist Suranne's Aunt Clacy...

How did you feel about having to take care of your sister's kid so out of the blue? What was it like having her there?

Well, my sister was so vague about the whole thing. I knew there was definitely something she wasn’t telling me, but I trusted her when she told me it was important. At first I was like sigh because I was planning on using my female charm and my awesome vintage couch throws to get Mike to give that stupid Copyeditor Jane the boot and give the position to me instead. But hey, family’s more important right? And Suranne is a good kid. She wasn’t a nightmare or anything like some of these teens you see with all kinda emotional problems who fail on making up their mind on whether they love a girl or not. Which definitely sums up that boyfriend of hers.

What was your first impression of Kane Richards when you got to meet him?

Well the name Richards was always familiar to me. It seems everyone knows pretty much everyone in my town y’know? So I’d heard about the mother I think, and how she had started losing it or something. I’m totally against gossip, unless I hear something extra juicy and then, well it usually just kind of slips, but I always try and avoid it. He seemed a bit too bloody cocky for my liking. And you see those kind of fella’s everywhere. I’m not sure on how I feel about him right now. I saw a different side of things at the airport.

How did you manage to juggle a teenager and your work when Suranne was staying with you?

Suranne’s always been responsible… even from a young age. I know it was something my sister was always going on about, being able to hold your own and whatnot. So for me, as long as there was food in the cupboards, a chip in her phone, and money in her pocket she was fine. I’m not really cracked out to be a doting parent. It’s probably the reason I don’t have any kids of my own, so having Suranne stay with me was more of like a really long sleepover. Or something.

Would you ever consider moving to London to spend time with your sister?

Sigh. I miss home sometimes. I think I’m going home next Christmas just to see everyone, but I don’t know if I could move back there. I’ve made a life out here for myself, and I don’t want to lose that. I miss my family, but they’re only a phone call away. And if I miss my niece too much, hey I could always fly her back!

What is your dream vacation and who would you spend it with?

I think I would like to go to the canary islands. Just ‘cus it sounds fun. Who would I spend it with?
The Queen.

More info or to buy Kane Richards Must Die:

Thanks to Shanice--Aunt Clacy, and Teen Book Scene!


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