Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Challenge! (Women's Murder Club)

Some of you may have noticed that I have taken quite a liking to James Patterson's Women Murder Club series! (I think it's awesome!) Thanks to Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews, I am able to complete the series--until the next one comes out, of course--and complete the challenge as well. By when, you ask? August 15, 2009-August 15, 2010. Almost a whole year!


1. All books need to be read between August 15, 2009 and August 15, 2010. Books read prior to August 15th don't count for this challenge.

2. If you want to participate, just post about it on your blog with a link back to here: Make sure you list the books you need to read.

3. Audio and Ebooks are acceptable. You can also use these books for other challenges.

4. Please use Mr. Linky to sign up. Use the link to your post about this challenge, not your main blog address. Links that don't go directly to your challenge post will be deleted.

5. Once you complete the challenge, please post the link to your wrap-up blog post with Mr. Linky. (There is an extra Mr. Linky for completed lists.)

6. There will also be a Mr. Linky for reviews, although posting your reviews are not a requirement.

7. You can take the button above and post it on your blog. These are the books in the series that have already been published...

1st to Die
2nd Chance
3rd Degree
4th of July
5th Horseman
6th Target
7th Heaven
8th Confession

The ones I still need to read...
7th Heaven
8th Confession

Come join me on the wild ride that is the Women's Murder Club!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Comment Contest: Hush, Hush & After & My Name is Will(Edited, AGAIN)

Sort of stole this from Chelsea at The Page Flipper, she won't mind (hopefully).

There will be three winners!! (one for each)
Comment as much as you want, for a better chance to win!

Extra entries:
+1 follow/or begin following
+2 post anywhere: leave link (if you don't it doesn't count)

Open to US/Canada, ends Sept. 1st @ 3:00 pm EST!

Might add on more books to contest!

Adding a book to my giveaway! (Now 3 possible winners)

Hey everybody! I said I might be adding books to my comment contest and I am (just one this time, though)! What am I adding, you ask??
My Name is Will: A Novel of Sex, Drugs and Shakespeare by Jess Winfield

From GoodReads:

"Utterly delicious, original, witty, hilarious and brilliant.Shakespeare In Love on magic mushrooms.The Bard has never been this much fun."-Christopher Buckley, author of Boomsday and Thank You For SmokingStruggling UC Santa Cruz grad student Willie Shakespeare Greenberg is trying to write his thesis about the Bard. Kind of. Having been cut off by his father for laziness, and desperate for cash, Willie agrees to deliver a single, giant, psychedelic mushroom to a mysterious collector, only to find himself a target in Ronald Reagan's War on Drugs.Meanwhile, would-be playwright (and oppressed Catholic) William Shakespeare is eighteen and stuck teaching Latin in the boondocks of Stratford-upon-Avon.The future Bard is asked to deliver a contraband box of sacramental wafers blessed by the Pope at a time when Catholics are being hanged, drawn and quartered as traitors.When 1980s Willie, cornered by DEA agents and one too many girlfriends, eats the giant mushroom at a Renaissance Fair, and 1580s William takes his first communion at his own shotgun wedding, their minds and stories merge--allowing each to become the fully-realized Shakespeare he is destined to be.

I may be adding even more novels to my comment contest but I'm not sure yet....I'll think about it, lol. ;)

Side-note: Hurry up and become of a follower of BookMac for a chance to win, not only Crazy Beautiful, but a whole lot of awesome books!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Liyana, I Dare You to Accept this Challenge!


I dare you to accept this challenge. I dare you to complete at least 5 of the 10 items on the list below (though I triple dog dare you to tackle them all!)

1. Read and review If I Stay by Gayle Forman.
2. Watch Twilight 5 times in a row!
3. Publish a post dedicated to Taylor Lautner.
4. Watch and review I Am Legend.
5. Read and review Snitch by Allison Van Diepen.
6. Read the first two books in the Anita Blake Series. And email me your thoughts, lol, I would really like to know! (Thank you for the idea!)
7. Read the Tales of an Urban Werewolf series!
8. Read and review Heart of Stone by C.E. Murphy!
9. Read 1st to Die by James Patterson! (if you don't like it, I'm not talking to you anymore! :P)
10. Read and review The Kindling of Greenfyr. (truly fantastic)

This challenge must be completed before my birthday, October 18, 2009!

If you fail in this challenge you must let me choose 3 novels from your bookshelf! (already know which ones, mwahahaha!)

But if you succeed I will dedicate a whole vlog to my singing, which is probably going to be torture for you people, but I don't mind doing!

If you choose to accept this dare you must follow these rules:

Blog about your acceptance and log in with Mr Linky on the correct Acceptance Post here.
Blog about your thoughts after completing each item. When you've completed the challenge check in with Mr Linky on the correct Completed Challenge Post on the I Dare You to Accept This Challenge Blog!

Once you accept (or complete) this challenge then make a list of 10 related items (ie all Bollywood movies, your favorite tv show or book series, favorite genre of books etc) and challenge one of your friends...even the one who challenged you!

Need help deciding on a dare? Check out what others are doing here.

Dancing With Ana by Nicole Barker

Beth is a lucky girl... She comes from a loving family. She has three best friends. She loves to surf and lives five minutes from the beach. She also recently discovered that the boy she's grown up with has the most amazing green eyes... Beth has every reason to smile. Every reason to be happy. Every reason to feel blessed.

Then why is she sticking her fingers down her throat?


Beth has four best friends, a mother who cares more attentively since her dad left them, and a quirky brother. Beth decides to go on a diet one day because she supposedly wants to look like the most popular girl in school, but is that really the reason she chooses to starve herself? And worry everyone who cares about her deeply? I think not. And if Beth looked a bit deeper into her conscience she would see it, too. However, with her own friends going through their own transitions, they still support Beth any way they can. Especially Jeremy. Sweet, wise Jeremy; the one who has been there for Beth through thick and thin. Will Jeremy's love and care be enough to stop Beth from destroying herself completely?
Of course, my favorite character has to be Jeremy because he does not give up hope on the people he loves most. If I looked at this quick-read and analyzed it personally, I would be sobbing right along with Beth because we are so alike when it comes to the parentals. Thing is, I didn't have a Jeremy and am quite jealous, lol. Albeit my father's worse but, no one deserves to be that traumatized. One day it's perfect, the next your left feeling like the memories will never be enough. I was a bit disappointed, because in the beginning it all seemed cliched to me. After a while, you kind of get into the rhythm of the plot line and the other characters' backgrounds start popping out. Recommended to all teens having parental issues and having their own way of dealing with it.

Grade: C


Friday, August 21, 2009

Friday Finds

Shadowland by Alyson Noel (Book 3, Immortal Series)

At the start of this breathtaking novel, Damen and Ever travel to Summerland in search of an antidote to reverse a powerful poison. But instead of the cure they seek, they find something far more sinister: the truth about their existence and the fate lying in wait of an immortal’s soul.

Now, with Damen fighting to save them from the Shadowland, Ever turns to magick, hoping to break Damen’s curse. Along the way Ever encounters the mysterious Jude, finding herself drawn to him in a way that will test her love for Damen like never before . . .

Another guy, love jealousies!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

NEW New Moon trailer!

I really don't care about the people who don't like Twilight because I found it kind of suck-ish, too. But cannot say that New Moon is not going to be the freaking (excuse me, fucking) amazing! Trailer #2

Another HUGE contest: are these contagious or what?

From Taschima at Bloody Bookaholic:

I have been talking about this for a L-O-N-G time. Been consulting it with my pillow. And just today my pillow said yes.
Welcome to Bloody Bookaholic's Mega Palooza contest! Celebrating 200 followers, more than half a year of blogging, and countless tears & blood generated by all the writing, editing, and reading.
There are going to be a bunch of books to give away, options:
- Signed copy of Dreaming Anastasia + Goodies
- Hardback Another Faust
- Hardback Prophecy of the Sisters
- ARC The Dark Divine
- ARC Hush Hush
- ARC Give Up The Ghost
- ARC Ash
- ARC Behind Every Illusion
- ARC Shiver
- ARC Eyes Like Stars
- ARC The Demon's Lexicon
- ARC Betraying Season
- ARC Any Given Doomsday
- Dead Until Dark
- Gossip Girl 1st Book
- The Black Tatto + poster
- Vampire Academy
- Frost Bite, a Vampire Academy Novel.
- Shadow Kiss, a Vampire Academy Novel.
- Blood Promise, a Vampire Academy Novel.
20 books, now I am going to have 3 winners.
Winner number One gets to pick 7 books out of the bunch.
Winner number Two gets 3 books out of the bunch.
Winner number Three gets 1 book out of the bunch.
Only the first winner gets to choose his or her prize.
For the other two I get to choose what they get.
As every contest, there must be rules, so the bookthirsty followers won't kill themselves in order to get to the prize. Still, a few drops of blood never hurt anyone.
As always being a follower is necessary, but you already knew that! Leave a comment with your email so I can contact you. If you don't leave your email, and you win, well, you don't get the prizes! And how sad would THAT be?
And I know you guys just LOVE extra entries, so here you go.
+7 For Promoting this Contest on your Official Blog, MUST be a Post.
+4 Already being a Follower
+3 For Becoming a Follower
+1 For Promoting this Contest on your Sidebar
+1 Tweet about it
+1 For Referring people to my Blog. The person referred needs to leave your name.
+1 For telling me how you heard about this contest. If you were referred leave the name of the person who told you so they can get an extra entry.
AND by the end of the contest, whoever is on my Top 5 Commentaholics list get 7 extra entries on this contest.
This contest is open to US, PR & Canada. ENDS September 27."
Link to contest here!
So, please say I referred you because this is a really big contest!
Thank you, and go enter now!!

Undiscovered Gyrl by Allison Burnett

Pages: 293

From back-cover:

Only on the Internet can you have so many friends and be so lonely.
  • We're all famous in our own minds.
  • Complete honesty is a complete lie.
  • What's worse than keeping a shameful secret?
  • All sex has consequences, most of them dire.
  • Don't read my life. Go live your own!
From Undiscovered Gyrl website (I like this one better!):

Beautiful, wild, funny, and lost, Katie Kampenfelt is taking a year off before college to find her passion. Ambitious in her own way, Katie intends to do more than just smoke weed with her boyfriend, Rory, and work at the bookstore. She plans to seduce Dan, a thirty-two-year-old film professor.
Katie chronicles her adventures in an anonymous blog, telling strangers her innermost desires, shames, and thrills. But when Dan stops taking her calls, when her alcoholic father suffers a terrible fall, and when she finds herself drawn into a dangerous new relationship, Katie’s fearless narrative begins to crack, and dark pieces of her past emerge.
Sexually frank, often heartbreaking, and bursting with devilish humor, Undiscovered Gyrl is an extraordinarily accomplished novel of identity, voyeurism, and deceit.


Okay, for once I'm going to skip to my own little made-up synopsis. There are four specific words that sum up this story, in a nutshell: crudely honest yet deceitful. Straight-up. The fact that it's written in blog-format is just a bonus, I swear. By the time you get through the first few posts of self-knowing to self-questing, you're hooked. I got a headache from reading straight from the start to page 174. ('Course, that could have been also because it was the middle of the night.) The sexual innuendo is definitely most of the main reason, everything else, random facts. You will laugh at the most saddening parts because you inevitably know what's going to happen next, yet it still manages to catch you by surprise because you sure as hell aren't psychic. Undiscovered Gyrl, I guess you could say is a discovering novel. Makes sense, right? "Kate" remains anonymous throughout, but yet how can she? She's telling a life-story, but is it really hers? You don't know who she is, so....It's riveting and quite appalling at times, a can't look away sort of thing. This might be one of the shortest reviews ever, but no doubt it is one of the best. Book, not review. ;)
I was initially thinking of making this a "crudely honest" review, to portray the fragility of the main character but also the arrogant strength that young adults cannot survive without (which Allison so dearly states, and for that I thank him!).
Hopefully, I can at least go out with a bang! How's this:
Recommended to all YAs out there deferring from their freshman year of college, (males get ready for boners and females, changing of the undies will soon be in order) for you will not stop 'til you pass out from trying to stand up when you've been in your reading position so long--has happened, beware!

Grade: A

Side-Note: Did you know that Miley Cyrus is one of the candidates for the main role in the Undiscovered Gyrl film?? There are nude scenes, people. Are they INSANE? Considering what Allison was before he published Undiscovered Gyrl, it makes sense that it would be a film, right? But couldn't they pick someone, I don't know, older and more sophisticated, I mean DAMN!


Monday, August 17, 2009

Shift Cover!

I love Rachel and I love the cover to her next adult novel in her Shifter's series! Check it out at The Pride! Make sure to become a member first, then under the Shift category, prepare to be amazed!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Kindling of GreenFyr by Mark Freeman (1 ARC Tours)

Pages: 552

From Amazon, and back cover:
The Kindling of GreenFyr is the story of Owen McInish, an awkward fourteen-year-old bullied at school and friendless except for his pet cat, Piper. That is until a snow leopard is chased through the woods behind his house by three huge gray dogs with glowing green eyes. Owen saves the leopard from her pursuers, but the animal escapes him as well, only to return later. The cat’s behavior is peculiar, nothing like a wild animal, making Owen even more curious as to its origin. Eventually, the cat allows Owen to pet her. Owen finds himself experiencing friendships as he has never before. Adventures as he has never imagined. And political intrigue as two worlds, long separated, begin to collide.


After saving his backyard-snow leopard from some Death Dogs that appointed to get rid of the Sylvan Princess, Owen has yet another shock when the suspected snow leopard turns out to be a Fey, a Sylvan--shape-shifter, that is. Not to long after this revelation the pair come to find Owen's parent frozen to stone, setting off the beginning of the plot line, that is The Kindling of GreenFyr. After being forced to take Owen with her into her alternate world, Orla, the Sylvan Princess quickly realizes if it not were for Owen she would not have the ability to discover her mysterious abduction and alleged murder attempt. As the pair journey through the woodsy forests and mountainous climbs, they soon come upon various travelers, who soon become a part of their small renegade band. Continuing the trek to Quailan, Orla's kingdom, the group separate for a duration before the death of a Sidhe and the surprising secrets kept by the house keep, deter the grounds unsafe for the human or the princess. Determined to get to the bottom of Orla's abduction and memory loss, as well as safe retrieval of Owen's parents, with a group of worshippers and honor-bound creatures, they once again set off to a new destination for more accurate answers. They new destination is the capital, Narsus, where they know Orla's father, King of the Sylvan will be, and every other representative of all the kingdoms in that world, for discussion of the Re-Unification of the Worlds. Also knowing that Owen's parents will be there, as well. With the accumulating members to their small band, they come across battles against followers that must be dealt with, and villains that must be destroyed.
I have to say that from the beginning, Boone, the Duine Madra, Owen's best companion, is my favorite character because of the instantaneous bond between himself and Owen. Talk about man's best friend. Did I forget to mention that Boone is the average triple-sized dog...
In this creative, unique, debut novel Mark Freeman does a wonderful job at creating an alternate world, where all the creatures in fairy tales roam. From Fey to Sidhe, goblins to dwarves, trolls to gnomes, even Vam-Pyrs. The creepy ones, I mean. And so much more! The Kindling of GreenFyr: Book One of the Reunification Conspiracy is a refreshment to the YA fantasy genre. In this third-person novel, Owen accumulates all different types of friends, that all have their shared feelings narrated by the phenomenal Mark Freeman. Recommended to all YA readers out there that are looking for something new, exciting, adventurous all in one! You will enjoy it, guaranteed.

Grade: A-


Friday Finds (1)

Like Sara at The Hiding Spot, this will be my first official Friday Finds! I thought I'd give it a shot because I have two books that I really want you guys to know about!

Also stealing from Sara, because I'm to lazy to do the research "Tell about your weekly book finds during Friday Finds hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading!"

I was going to post this yesterday but I was sort of sleepy all day and ended up going to sleep at 7:30 pm--I was planning on just taking an hour nap, but somebody, mother, forgot to wake me, apparently--(wow, shock I know) and waking up this moring at 6:00 am (another shock!).
First up is Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu. I found about Cyn on The Tenners website, and emailed her about her up-coming novel and be one of the reviewers to first review her awesome masterpiece. She replied and said that she visited my blog and it was cool--which we all obviously know, and she would let me know when the ARCs come in. Her novel debuts next year in April. Check out her book's awesomeness:
When 16 year-old Lucy comes home to find her mother dead under a stack of National Geographics in their garbage-filled home, she hesitates as she starts to dial 911. She hardly notices the mountains of stuff that fill every available space in the entire house or smells the decay anymore - but she knows the paramedics will, and so will the news cameras that will follow. They’ll notice the garbage and the smell and wonder how anyone ever lived like this. Only freaks live like this.
As she stares at the cell phone, Lucy can already hear the echoes of “Garbage Girl” and picture the look of disgust on everyone’s faces. With a normal life finally within reach, Lucy has to decide how far she’ll go to keep the family secrets safe.

Next up is Carrie Jone's sequel to her novel Need, Captivate, which I didn't know about and came upon recently, and thought it fascinating since I already read Need and thought it to be pretty intriguing. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the synopsis for this one but I do know that it will be published in January of 2010.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cindy's Awesome Contest!!! (Love her)

Omg, Cindy is having a huge contest to clean out her house and make space for September releases! Check it out here

All you have to do is leave a comment with you email address, and then you have a bunch of possibilities for extra entries (including a post like this one, lol).

What will you win you ask? Check this list out:
1. Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick ARC
2. Along For The Ride by Sarah Dessen ARC
3. Kiss of Life by Daniel Waters ARC
4. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater ARC
5. Troy High by Shana Norris ARC
6. Love You Hate You Miss You by Elizabeth Scott ARC
7. Reincarnation by Suzanne Weyn ARC
8. Lovestruck Summer by Melissa Walker
9. Death by Series by Linda Gerber (3 books total)
10. a 5 dollar giftcard from Walmart (you can buy yourself half of a book with it, lol)
11. 3 Sarah Dessen books ( Just Listen, This Lullaby, Someone Like You)
12. Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson
13. Fire By Kristin Cashmore ARC
14. Last but not least, I have some extra amazon cards, so I will also include a pre-order for CATCHING FIRE BY SUZANNE COLLINS. It will be shipped to on or around Sept 1st (whenever they ship it)
AND a book of your choice (under $15.00 please and it can be a pre-order as long as it comes out in September-so many good books get released)

And to top it all off, if she gets to 150 followers she'll add in 2 extra ARCs from the collection below (of your choice, awesome or what??)

Finally, in the words of Cindy "Only Open To US and Canada Residents. Anywhere else would be a killer to ship all these!" (Which is probably true, sorry!)

Btw, when you do enter, cuz I know you will, give me my props please, and say Lili from ChicaReader was your homegirl and referred you, thank you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A Novel Idea by Aimee Friedman

Pages: 234

Required reading has never been so hot.
Once upon a time there was a Brooklyn hipster named Norah. Unlucky in love, and short on extracurriculars for her college apps, Norah decided to start a book group. She knew the perfect locale--a local indie bookstore with a crush-worthy cutie manning the soy latte counter.
When the first meeting arrives, Norah gets a page-turning surprise. The attendees may be bookish, but there are also a few hotties! Most noteworthy: sweet, literary James. He's like a modern Jane Austen hero....Only, how to snag him?
Ever the romantic heroine, Norah devises a secret plan. And if it works, Norah may just find her "Happily Ever After" love story. The End.


Norah Bloom seems to come up a bit short when it comes to her extracurriculars for her college applications. With the help of Audre--Norah's quirky, self-assured skinny-cord-leopard-print-wearing best friend--Griffin--the "cutie manning the soy latte counter"--and Scott--her gayish best friend who is the infinite confidence booster, and probably the most organized person she knows--Norah builds up her own a group based on what she likes to do most. Drink lattes and read. As the members pile in--some accidentally, some by obligation--Norah has a revelation when she realizes that she has a lot more in common with one particular member, and needs to devise a plan to snatch him up because she knows it's up to her to make the next step. After staying up one night reading one of her secret romance paperbacks, Norah finds that she has the to needs to lure James into her feminine entrapment.
Using her younger sister, Norah finds that she can actually look pretty decent with some make-up ans the *cough* right clothes. Using her best friend's college-ruled brother and James's best friend, Neil, she tries to make James a green-eyed monster--not totally unsuccessful, fortunately. Both times hilarious with just a pitch of humiliation. Using Philippa Askance, her favorite novel-writer of all time, as a common ground; this mix-matched group are bound together by some soon-to-be-unveiled secrets that reveal the full potential if their book group. And if some of these events aren't shockingly hilarious enough, get ready to be writhing on the floor when you come upon the ending. Where just one slight, whispered statement from James unravels everything. I guarantee that by the time you finish A Novel Idea, it will make you want to get a hold of the nearest guy handy and say "pucker up, dammit." Who knew that Norah was going to end up being one of those subway-couples that she "used to" make her gag.
A Novel Idea is one of the first romantic-comedies I have ever read. It's witty, comical, passionate (especially for reading, which was what really drew my attention to this book). It met my comedic expectations as a YA reviewer, which I really wish more YA books had, a laughing side. It gives a good name for all other RCs out there. Recommended to the single (and coupled) gals out there who want to read something they can laugh at, blush, and say "aww" too.

Grade: B

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