Hey guys! I know I've hardly tended my blog and that is because I am in the middle of senior year of high school, and whoever said you get bunches more down time in your last year of high school obviously didn't have to contend with AP classes and COLLEGE stuffs. (Not just applications, but SATs, ACTs, scholarships, etc.)
However, I did want to show you guys that I haven't excluded myself from the book community and blogosphere entirely. Here are some pictures that I took (and thanks to Gaby's mom, pics of all the authors and Sarah Nicholas from the YA Rebels) at the Coral Gables stop on the The Sunshine Book Tour. Only 8 authors were able to make it but that's more than Books & Books has ever had in one sitting I believe so, of course, I was delirious!
Starting in the back left: Karen Amanda Hooper (Grasping at Eternity), Danielle Joseph (Pure Red), Sarah Nicholas (YA Rebels), Christina Diaz Gonzalez (A Thunderous Whisper), Gaby Triana (Riding the Universe).
Bottom row from the left: J.A. Souders (Renegade), Heather Burch (Guardian), Lucienne Diver (Bad Blood), Jenny Torres Sanchez (The Downside of Being Charlie).
Bottom row from the left: J.A. Souders (Renegade), Heather Burch (Guardian), Lucienne Diver (Bad Blood), Jenny Torres Sanchez (The Downside of Being Charlie).
Karen Amanda Hooper
J.A. Souders and Christina Diaz Gonzalez
I also recorded an hour long video if you'd like to suffer through my shaky camera-work.
As a treat for you guys I am giving away a signed copy of The Downside of Being Charlie by Jenny Torres Sanchez.
The giveaway will only be open to U.S. residents and will end February 14th (Valentine's Day!!) at midnight EST.
Thanks for reading and watching and entering! x)